Go-GROW Mobile Lab
Garden science delivered to your classroom...
One of GROW's founders, Ginger-Rose, got her start working with children in the garden at a local elementary school. She helped the school build it's outdoor classroom and carried the role of garden coordinator for many years.
One big takeaway from this experience was that school gardens are both AMAZING and also really hard to maintain. As she pondered how she could get more kids outside into classroom settings like the one she'd built, she came up with the idea of bringing the garden into the school - a mobile garden classroom.
GROW spent a year developing this project concept and another year piloting the program in a real public school. We are proud to say it is up and running and we've developed three very special lessons to capture the interest of students and teachers alike. They are:
- Intro to Urban Beekeeping
- Vermicomposting (wiggly fun!)
- Discover Native Bees