- We will need lots of hands to help us ready the place where our community learning garden is going to go. It is on a steep slope and the plan is to install a terraced garden with five levels, each having it's own small retaining wall to prevent erosion. We will have someone cut the terraces out with a bobcat for us and will then need volunteers to help put cinder-blocks in place for the retaining walls.
Saturday, January 28th 2017, 1pm
Team Leaders
- Jonathon Krueck (GROW Founder): Terrace excavation team
- Monica Escamilla (GROW Founder): Permaculture garden team
Work will be taking place at the end of the roadway, below the natural playground area
Primary Goals (excavation Team)
- Excavate the five tiers of the garden to the Northwest of the central walkway and level them for raised bed placement
- Install cinderblock retention walls at each level to help with runoff
- level the walkways and apply gravel
Primary Goals (permaculture team)
- Dig out trenches for hugelkultur mounds
Please park in the GROW parking lot