We are teaming up with the TN Environmental Council again for 250K Tree Day! This year, we will offer our project site as a distribution location to help get thousands of trees into the hands of TN residents. Our pick up site is one of the most accessible locations in the city. It is located on the Stones River Greenway, a short walk from the Metro Bus Stop on McGavock PIke! We hope that this will enable a greater number of residents to participate in this wonderful program with our friends at the TN Environmental Council.
*Please note, we are not hosting a planting event this year. Instead, we hope you will join us the following weekend for the 2019 Weed Wrangle Event. The removal of invasive plant species is critical before the replanting of new native trees. Volunteer to help us get our project site ready to host a planting event next year!
Getting your trees is easy! Simply hop on over to the Council's website and submit your tree request. Be sure to choose GROW Enrichment at Two Rivers Park as your distribution location! Then, join us on February 23rd to pick up your free trees between 10am and 12am!
Help us get native trees planted across Middle TN on 250K Tree Day!!!
Step 1 - Order your bundle of trees from the council. They have worked hard all year sprouting native seedling trees for you to plant in your neighborhood or yard!
Step 2 - Watch the videos offered by the TN Environmental Council on how to correctly plant a seedling tree. Being prepared in advance will greatly increase your tree’s survival chances! Have all your supplies ready and waiting before you pick up your trees on #250Ktreeday!
Step 3 - We will pick up your order, along with thousands of others, from the warehouse and bring them to the GROW project site for you to pick up on February 23rd. Plan to arrive between 9am - 11am to pick up your trees. We appreciate you not arriving early while volunteers are still setting up and hope you will be patient with us if distribution lines become lengthy. We are all volunteers and will do our very best to help you get your trees as quickly as possible.
Step 4 - Get your trees planted as soon as possible after pick up! They will be bare root seedlings and must go into the ground without permitting the fine roots to dry out. Remember to plan ahead on location of your trees, keeping the maximum maturity height/width in mind with regards to proximity to power-lines, underground utilities, and buildings. Your tree may be little now but someday, with proper care, it will be a mighty thing!