Parts of the plant, plant life cycle, flower dissections, interdependence of plants and animals, heredity, seed production/collection/saving/germination, invasive plants and their removal, identifying native plants, edible flowers, herbs, permaculture farming, aquaponics (growing plants on top of a body of water containing fish), plus many more!

Urban Agroforestry
Identifying trees, native plants vs. invasive non-native plants, invasive plants and their effect on the ecosystem, planting new trees, guiding human activity to preserve forest habitats, planting for wildlife, forest farming

Insects and their role in the ecosystem, beneficial insects vs. ‘pest’ insects, life cycles of insects, insects in the food chain, insects as pollinators/decomposers/pest control

Urban Wildlife
Identifying animals that occupy urban spaces (from back yards to pocket forests like ours.) We can go many directions with this topic, from conservation, to their role in the food chain, to study of individual life cycles and habitats. This is where collaboration with teachers really comes into play.

Vermiculture is the study of earthworms!! Anatomy, life cycle, habits, habitat, and composting with worms are typical topics to cover. We have our own worm bins which can be used in these lessons.

Invasive Non-Native Flora
Invasive non-native flora are introduced plants that negatively alter their new environment. Invasive non-native flora can take resources away from native plants and cause them to die. It is important to be able to identify invasive non-native flora, so that it can be taken out of the environment for native fauna and flora to thrive.