Eco-Explorers: Ages 6 - 12 (Spring Semester)

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Eco-Explorers: Ages 6 - 12 (Spring Semester)


In an effort to better achieve our program goals, this year we have created an environmental program tailored to the specific needs of students in the ‘tween’ to early teenage years. Many of these students have been with us a number of years already and bring to the community a preexisting knowledge of the basics in the field of ecology. We recognize that students in this age range are ready for greater independence, higher level educational content, and a hands-on role in the ongoing development and management of our GROW project site. Students in this age range crave greater social interaction with peers, opportunities to share their own knowledge with others, increased autonomy, and meaningful ways to contribute to the larger community. Our goal for this year is to meet these needs while also helping our students foster valuable leadership skills. Don’t forget to register for the second semester of the program, scroll below to find the registration button!

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Cost: $450 per semester

  • Age range: Ages 6 to 12 years old.

  • Time: mondays from 10:00am - 1:00pm

  • Date:

    • SPRING Semester : April 1 - June 24, 2024

Click on the button below to learn more about the urban ecology program. We hope to see you soon!!